Tree lightning at The Grove

Helloo!!!!! Hope you guys had a good start on your Monday!
I really don´t feel like waking up at 6.15 a.m. tomorrow, nope it´s too early, but since I have a test in Sport Psychology, which also is my first class, I have to! Uuugh… Been studying almost the whole day, have so many things to do this week. Tomorrow I have one test and one presentation and for Thursday I have a test in business and one assignment due in Photography.

I ran 10 km this morning, which felt so good because I haven´t been running that long in ages it feels like! I just wanted to prove to myself that I still could do it, lol. After that, I felt like taking a looong and warm shower, but lucky me, after taking some shampoo in my hair I saw a HUGE spider, so I panicked and jumped out of the shower!! Seriously we have had like 4 spiders in about 2 weeks in our room!!!

 At 6 p.m. Fanny and I went to watch the Tree lightning and the artists who were performing at The Grove. It was so many people there, so you couldn’t see anything, so we decided after a while to go back home… And now I´m sitting here and thinking about how little I want to go to school tomorrow... 

Sweet dreams ♡

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